Friday, 7 September 2007

Can't sleep

And I don't really have anything to write - I guess that means I should be not writing and maybe trying to sleep.

Today (yesterday) has been a bit of a rubbish day. I haven't left the house which is a mistake because days always seem more pointless when you don't go and do something somewhere. I packed all my clothes up (again) this morning so they all have homes now. I still need to decide which ones to take with me to uni. This afternoon I mostly sifted through things, moving them from pile to pile and generally achieving nothing at all. I did some forum setup but that was all wasted when I discovered you could convert the phpBB2 data to phpBB3 anyway. I did the conversion this evening but it needs some work to get it sorted out.

I need to do some more useful organisation tomorrow I think otherwise nothing will ever move from the bedroom floor. I also need to decide what to do with all the books, lots and lots of books! I'm also going out tomorrow so there should be less feeling useless. I have three BookMooch parcels to post and then a trip into town to meet work people for evening entertainments.

My eyes are tired. Maybe I should try sleep again.

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