Wednesday, 8 December 2010
WIP Wednesday: Socks

Saturday, 27 November 2010
"Not the most salubrious spot on the Lune"
I've had a few logs, noting that the location is perhaps less than beautiful. I disagree...

Friday, 26 November 2010
FO: A Wee Bag
R1-4: Knit 4 rows of Stockinette in the flat.
R5: K2, twist the left needle 360o (forward, under the work, and then back to the start), *K4, twist*, repeat starred section 5 more times, K2.
Monday, 22 November 2010
FO: Christine's Cable Mitts
These should have been a very quick knit, but they fell off the radar after the first hand was done. I finally cast on for the second one at the start of last week and, after knitting two and a bit times, both mitts are finished!

The following pictures look almost summery against that nice green grass, but I am wholly convinced that it is in fact much colder in reality.

Pattern: Improvised.
Yarn: Patons Pompero in colourway Plum bought from John Lewis, Sheffield and in colourway Ruby bought from the haberdashery stand at Lancaster Indoor Market.Project: Online at Ravelry.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
FO: Verity
Another finished object! This was my 'quick win' project which I cast on earlier in the month because I was beginning to feel like I would never finish anything and so all those things I was itching to cast on would never get their chance. I was hoping that a quick knit would help me find some motivation to get going with some finishing things off.
Verity did knit up very quickly, and before the week was out, it was almost finished, - just waiting for me to sew on the button. Unfortunately I then put it down and forgot all about it!
I picked this hat up again last Saturday (encouraged by the finishing touches I'd just put to the Lace Ribbon Scarf) and quickly popped on that button. It's been pretty dark here of an evening so photography was saved until yesterday when Hobnob and I popped out to the park to get these shots...
The hat, modeled with my lovely new winter coat and a slight squint. I love this coat a lot, although I don't love that it's from New Look and therefore seems to be somewhat lacking in quality. I ordered online because the one in store was damaged. This one has a hole in the pocket lining but is (seemingly) otherwise OK.

I'm very pleased with the button choice for this hat. This is a 26p button from the haberdashery stand at the local indoor market. Not so clever was sewing it on the inside of the hat, which I did initially, for reasons unknown.
I also love the textured stitch on the brim of this hat.
The only thing I don't love about this hat is my uncertainty that I am wearing it right :)
Pattern: Verity by Ysolda Teague.
Yarn: Malabrigo Twist in colourway Olive. Bought online at First 4 Yarns.
Mods: None.
Project: Online at Ravelry.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
FO: Summer Scarf
Pattern: Lace Ribbon Scarf by Veronik Avery.
Yarn: Kraemer Yarns Sterling Silk & Silver. Bought at Natural Stitches, Pittsburgh.
Mods: None.
Project: Online at Ravelry.
Having originally knit this up far too long, I now have plenty of yarn left. I'm thinking a set of matching gauntlets, and if the yarn can stretch to it, then a little hat too.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
8th October
My somewhat-disappointing birthday has just passed and I am wondering how to treat myself. I've been toying with trying wheel spinning (yarn not exercise) for a while so I meander through the Web looking vaguely for some sort of class or workshop. Having found a few options at both extremes of the UK (if only I leaved in Fife), I finally stumble across handspun and send an email to enquire.
11th October
A few emails go back and forth - I book myself in for the 30th of October (my next free weekend) and try not to get too excited.
30th October
Up before 7am to walk to the railway station. Despite catching the wrong train and forgetting to bring Gwenda's mobile number (and a set of knitting needles for my train project), I find my way OK and am collected from the station. It's just me for this workshop and we immediately start with the wheel - trying a bit of treddle-ing without anything else, before moving on to feed some yarn through to get hands and feet working together. It's all feeling a bit clumsy but we move on to getting started with some unwashed fleece nonetheless... all of a sudden hands and feet come together and I'm actually producing something that looks kind of OK. I seem to have a tendency for spinning thinly and I go through a period of constant breaks until I can keep up with myself. Love it!
Break for a yummy lunch - mushroom soup, baked potato and salad.
Back to the wheel to spin a tiny bit more. I'd moved onto a second bobbin before lunch so there's just a bit more spinning to do to get it looking about the same as the first one, then... plying! Skein the finished yarn and put it aside ready for a bath when it gets home. Next step is to go back to the start and look at preparing fibres. Spent a bit of quiet time teasing the fibre before Gwenda got out the carders and showed me how to card the fibre and form a rolag - do one more before... all done. :( Time to go home and wash that yarn!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
WIP Wednesday: "Hello October" Colourwork Socks

Wednesday, 3 November 2010
WIP Wednesday: Verity

Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Cat + Knitting = ?
Our cats are clearly old and boring...
Kirkby tried to bite my knitting needles for perhaps the first two evenings of knitting ever. Then she clearly decided that she'd exhausted all knitting needle related excitement. Molly never bothered with knitting at all.
Apart from that, I've had the yarn from one fair isle mitten knotted for me when I accidentally left it on the floor. Since then, I've continued to accidentally leave projects and balls of yarn in silly places but they always remain intact. Hurrah for old and boring cats!(Not as cute though, they'd make a really boring video)
Monday, 1 November 2010
The Knitting Needles That Didn't Want To Be
A tale in 15 parts...
1) A while ago now, the Mosey legwarmers I was knitting sat around waiting to be finished. The reason was simply that I did not posses a set of 4.5mm double-pointed needles.
2) Coincidentally, around this time Kollage had brought out their square double-points which I quite fancied trying. I looked up their UK suppliers and placed an order with the one that had an online shop.
3) Got an email to say they were out of stock until the end of the month. Canceled the order and rang the one other UK supplier to place an order.
4) Waited. Waited some more. Wondered where my needles were. Waited. Phoned the company... out of stock. Canceled my order and went back to the first place - after all, it was almost the end of the month now.
5) Email from company informing me that they weren't going to receive any 4.5mm Kollage needles in that order after all and they had no idea when they would.
6) Emailed my friendly yarn shop in the US. Guess what? No 4.5mm Kollage needles.
7) Altered my Kollage needle order from 5) so that I would receive a set of 5mm needles - I still really wanted to try them and for the i-Cord the Moseys required noone would actually know the difference (plus a few people had said their knitting came out at a tighter gauge on the square needles).
8) Woop, finished Mosey, the Saga was over! Oh no, wait - I'd like to knit Verity. Some 4.5mm double-points you say?
9) Borrowed some 4.5mm needles for Verity.
10) Misplaced the needles so I couldn't pack the project for my travels as planned.
11) Knitted a few other bits and bobs before remembering my Verity plans just in time for a day with five hours train travel in it.
12) Left the 4.5mm needles on the dining room table. Remembered the yarn and pattern though.
13) Was gifted a 4.5mm circular needle by Gwenda at her Handspun spinning workshop. Cast on during the train home.
14) Started Section B of Verity. My nice new circular needle broke :(

15) Dug out the borrowed double-points which I had put in a pile to go back to work. The world is right again :)
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Spotted this in a thread on the Ravelry forums, it's sort of neat, but... doesn't the yarn get dirty? Or are everyone else's floors cleaner than ours?
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
FO: September Socks
![]() | ![]() |
Pattern: Make-Up Socks by Kristen Kapur (a pattern from The Joy of Sox)
Yarn: Fyberspates Sheila's Sock in colourway Russet. Bought online at Fyberspates.
Mods: None.
Project: online at Ravelry.
Monday, 18 October 2010
A Thief in the Night
My plan for this wee bit of yarn is to craft myself a wee lavender bag as stolen from Eskimimi who in turn stole it from Mooncalf (both very lovely blogs). I've got a big bag of lavender in my sewing pile so it sounds like the perfect combination.

Perhaps I will finish some projects soon, it seems I have not yet learned the lesson about how increasing the number of things started has an impact on the size of the finishing pile :)
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
WIP Wednesday: September Socks

Wednesday, 22 September 2010
WIP Wednesday: Christine's Cable Mitts
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Merrily We Sock A-Long
Monday, 20 September 2010
September Startitus

Six projects on the go, plus one I haven't actually put into Ravelry yet because I cast on over lunch today and I'm not sure I'm happy with the cast on yet. Plus a hat I'd love to start (yarn currently sat on my desk at work) and some sock yarn in the post...
And then I realised, when was last time I blogged about startitus? The 24th and 29th of September last year... it's an annual event - does that make it OK?
Saturday, 18 September 2010
FO: Helix
One not-so-little snail creeping across my carpet:

Pattern: Garden Snail by Hansi Singh.
Yarn: A selection of blue mystery yarns from ebay and Patons Linen Touch in Mandarin from Lancaster Indoor Market (a leftover from the Infolab Baby Sweater).
Mods: Dropped the needle size a bit to reflect the DK weight yarn being used. Used even smaller needles for the body as previous knitters had noted a size discrepancy between the shell and body. Some pattern interpretation required.
Project: online at Ravelry.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Ravelry Blog Swap: Bonus

And inside was the pattern for Lori Law's Sleepy Hollow Socks, which I first discovered whilst reading the Yarn Harlot's post about her finished pair. What I really like about these socks is that although they look fantastic in a solid, the pattern still seems to show up in a more variegated yarn.
Now, I've only just started a pair of socks, so I shall be good and hold back for now, but perhaps I need a good rummage through the sock yarn boxes to see which yarn is calling out to be a pair of Sleepy Hollow Socks :)
Thanks to Fiolinn for a set of lovely surprises which have brightened up the last eight days (and will undoubtedly brighten up some more as I get to use them in a variety of creative endeavors. Thanks also to Eskimimi for organising the swap and to my exciting swap partner for being so fun to buy for - I'm planning to mail your box this weekend!
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Ravelry Blog Swap: Day 7
Final parcel (almost - look out for one last bonus post tomorrow) from the Ravelry blog swap (seven parcels opened over seven days, my parcels gifted by Fiolinn in Norway):

And the label read:

Inside was a yummy Zauberball and a really wee lavender bag *sniff*:

Now this didn't photograph so well (not helped by the late hour at which the picture was taken) but it's a simpler colourway than the one used for my honeymoon socks, a dark aqua blue and black in long stretches. Not quite sure yet whether this is crying out to be socks or a shawl...
Thanks Fiolinn!
WIP Wednesday: September Socks

This is the Make-Up Socks pattern from The Joy of Sox and it's the project I was getting excited about last week, I just had to wait for the book to arrive :). This is one of a number of patterns I'm gagging to knit from this book - I love it!
The yarn used in this project is Fyberspates Sheila's Sock in Russet, the colour is really rich and I like it a lot, I also like the way the yarn knits up, depending on how it wears this could be a strong contender for a go-to sock yarn (in the event that my stash was some how lacking sock yarn in a particular colour).
Also on the go this week is last week's WIP Helix (also on Ravelry) which went from this:

To this:
To this and this:

Yes, that's right - the snail (an incarnation of the Garden Snail pattern from Amigurumi Knits) is starting to get a body - this has been a slow process, mostly because I couldn't face picking up a bunch of stitches when the instructions weren't as clear as I would like about which stitches in which order which way. Eventually I had to bite the bullet and just get on with it (and then redo it so it was right :)). I've been working on the body with 3mm DPNs (at one point, all six of the ones I own in this size!), in the hope that the unfortunately-oversized-body problem some folks have had with this pattern will pass me by. This may or may not work, because I have no real idea how the yarn I'm using for the body (Patons Linen Touch, left over from the Infolab Baby Sweater) compares with the three mystery yarns I put together for the shell (and no, I didn't check gauge).
Still, there were a couple of things I was unhappy with on the shell:
- I forgot to pick up the wraps from the wrap and turns when doing the short rows (I've just realised I forgot this on the short rows I just finished on the mantle too - Doh!)
- I was doing something weird with my grafting which I couldn't work out until half way around the shell and then I worked it out but I couldn't face redoing the massive chunk I'd already done.
So now there is also this:

Helix II! Well, my Dad is always asking me knit him something so I figured he could have the non-knitters snail and I'll assemble another. That said, time is pressing, so it might be that I have to compromise with the new shell and the old mantle :)
This shell is slightly different to the last. I've kept the two mystery fingering yarns (the very dark blue and the greenier blue) and again held them double, but I'd run out of the mystery DK yarn that had been the top of the last shell so I found some slightly variegated pale blue that matches the dark blue (but not the greeny blue :s). I've also inserted a single row of white between each colour change - I'm not sure whether this will look good or bad until it's made up (also :s). And, of course, I remembered to pick up the wraps :o).
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Ravelry Blog Swap: Day 6

And on the label...

And inside, the wrapping revealed:

Three goodies for embellishment: some pink organza ribbon, a large white button and some vintage white lacy ribbon/edging. I wonder what projects these will spawn...
Watch this space! Thanks Fiolinn :o)
Monday, 13 September 2010
Ravelry Blog Swap: Day 5
Here is parcel number five from the Ravelry blog swap (seven parcels opened over seven days, my parcels gifted by Fiolinn in Norway):

So well wrapped, I'm sure once I get the tape out for mine they will look nowhere near as artistic as these. Here's the reverse of the label:

And here's the treasure:

Nom, nom, nom! Thanks Fiolinn, I look forward to trying this :)
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Ravelry Blog Swap: Day 4
Here is parcel number four from the Ravelry blog swap (seven parcels opened over seven days, my parcels gifted by Fiolinn in Norway). Unfortunately, this is one of a few parcels that wobbled around a bit in transit and so had escaped most of its wrapping. Still, here's the label...
And the contents:

Two skeins of 123 Luna Wool - a 100% wool worsted weight yarn - as Fiolinn says, ideal for felting. Now felting is one of those things on my knitting to-do list and I do have a few felted patterns in my queue/favourites, some of which could be achieved with one or both of these skeins:
- French Press Knit's 'French Press Felted Slippers'
- Jeri Riggs' 'Felted Fabulous Hat'
- ScullyKnits' 'Highland Wool Felted Bags'
- Liat Gat's 'Pentafold Felted Mobius Bowl'
Of these, the French Press Felted Slippers is easily a favourite - I've loved these slippers since I've seen them and I think the blue yarn would suit them perfectly.
I think I feel a project coming on... thanks for the prompting (and the yarn) Fiolinn!
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Ravelry Blog Swap: Day 3
This is parcel number three from the Ravelry blog swap (seven parcels opened over seven days, my parcels gifted by Fiolinn in Norway). Unfortunately, this is one of a few parcels that wobbled around a bit in transit and, as a result, weren't quite so artfully wrapped as the others. But still, here's the label...

These are quite honestly the cutest little notebooks I have seen. I love the idea of a different notebook for each season, and they're just small enough that they could slip inside my bag and wait for inspiration to strike. The motifs are simple but evocative and well, I think they're lovely!
So, back to the label ideas for a moment... cat diary?? I wonder what this would involve:
5 am: Woke from my nap on a pile of clean washing I found hadn't been put away yet. I think I might be lonely, time to bang into the human bedroom door until it opens and I can 'creep' in to sleep under the bed. Ooops, woke the humans and now find myself all alone at the bottom of the stairs. Hmmm, I seem to remember there's a reasonable sofa near here somewhere.
8:30am: Time to tell the humans that breakfast should be ready.
9:30am: Naptime.
12pm: Oooh, the sun is coming through the curtains, I think I could sleep on that patch there - right where my friend Molly is sleeping, I'm sure she won't mind a bit...
6pm: The humans are home, time for tea.
7pm: The humans are cooking, time for an even better tea.
8pm: The humans are trying to relax, I shall hassle them for a space on the sofa to sleep on.
9pm: That human is trying to knit, I shall sleep on her pattern. I do like the sound of crinkly paper.
10pm: The humans are going to bed, time to make sure they've left me enough food to snack on. Perhaps they won't mind if I poke my nose around the door and try to make a bolt for that comfy space under the bed where I am 'NOT ALLOWED' to sleep.
12pm: Time for a quick jaunt outside to see if anyone's left any good meat in their rubbish bags. I'll bring home anything good and then leave it on the floor like it's suddenly lost all attraction... and then I'll go to find a nice pile of clean towels to nap on.
Thanks Fiolinn!