So in 2010 I've been pushing my knitting boundaries, and I've produced 19 projects - one of which never made it into any records anywhere (it was a Sunshine and Lollipops hat). Here are the 18 remaining 2010 projects - beginning with the most recently completed (top-left) and moving through to the more elderly...

Top Row: Hello October Colourwork Socks, Aphrodite Socks, Haruni, A Wee Bag, Christine's Cable Mitts, Verity
Of these two projects Damson and the Arm(enia) Bands x6 never made it onto the blog. This is a particularly great sadness for Damson which is lovely.
Still... some time last year I made a list of 100 things I wanted to achieve GirlGuiding UK's centenary year (September 2009 to October 2010). I never posted that list but many items on it were knitting related. Of those, in 2010 I achieved:
- Socks - toe up (Honeymoon Socks, Socks for September and Hello October!)
- Socks - afterthought heel (Hello October!)
- Another colourwork project (Hello October!)
- A lace shawl (Damson, Colonnade and the lovely Haruni)
- A toy (Helix)
- A design (Christine's Cable Mitts)
I also managed to conquer a mini Clapotis in the second It Snows scarf - perhaps I'll have another go at the one I had planned originally now I don't unintentionally twist stitches every now and again.
So, what will 2011 hold? I finished my first project yesterday (and am wearing it today) and cast on for another - more about those soon, I'm also having a bit of a think about what I might like to achieve this year, as inspired by Affiknitty's basket list :) I think my primary goal will be to... (drumroll please)...
Knit up some of the beautiful things in my stash.
That's it. Short and sweet. I have so many stunning bits and bobs in my stash, it's time to fall in love with them all over again and to turn them into projects that show off their specialness. I look forward to giving it my best shot!
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