I've had a few logs, noting that the location is perhaps less than beautiful. I disagree...

These should have been a very quick knit, but they fell off the radar after the first hand was done. I finally cast on for the second one at the start of last week and, after knitting two and a bit times, both mitts are finished!
The following pictures look almost summery against that nice green grass, but I am wholly convinced that it is in fact much colder in reality.
Pattern: Improvised.
Yarn: Patons Pompero in colourway Plum bought from John Lewis, Sheffield and in colourway Ruby bought from the haberdashery stand at Lancaster Indoor Market.Another finished object! This was my 'quick win' project which I cast on earlier in the month because I was beginning to feel like I would never finish anything and so all those things I was itching to cast on would never get their chance. I was hoping that a quick knit would help me find some motivation to get going with some finishing things off.
Verity did knit up very quickly, and before the week was out, it was almost finished, - just waiting for me to sew on the button. Unfortunately I then put it down and forgot all about it!
I picked this hat up again last Saturday (encouraged by the finishing touches I'd just put to the Lace Ribbon Scarf) and quickly popped on that button. It's been pretty dark here of an evening so photography was saved until yesterday when Hobnob and I popped out to the park to get these shots...
The hat, modeled with my lovely new winter coat and a slight squint. I love this coat a lot, although I don't love that it's from New Look and therefore seems to be somewhat lacking in quality. I ordered online because the one in store was damaged. This one has a hole in the pocket lining but is (seemingly) otherwise OK.
The only thing I don't love about this hat is my uncertainty that I am wearing it right :)
Pattern: Verity by Ysolda Teague.
Yarn: Malabrigo Twist in colourway Olive. Bought online at First 4 Yarns.
Mods: None.
Project: Online at Ravelry.
Pattern: Lace Ribbon Scarf by Veronik Avery.
Yarn: Kraemer Yarns Sterling Silk & Silver. Bought at Natural Stitches, Pittsburgh.
Mods: None.
Project: Online at Ravelry.
Having originally knit this up far too long, I now have plenty of yarn left. I'm thinking a set of matching gauntlets, and if the yarn can stretch to it, then a little hat too.
Our cats are clearly old and boring...
Kirkby tried to bite my knitting needles for perhaps the first two evenings of knitting ever. Then she clearly decided that she'd exhausted all knitting needle related excitement. Molly never bothered with knitting at all.
Apart from that, I've had the yarn from one fair isle mitten knotted for me when I accidentally left it on the floor. Since then, I've continued to accidentally leave projects and balls of yarn in silly places but they always remain intact. Hurrah for old and boring cats!(Not as cute though, they'd make a really boring video)
A tale in 15 parts...
1) A while ago now, the Mosey legwarmers I was knitting sat around waiting to be finished. The reason was simply that I did not posses a set of 4.5mm double-pointed needles.
2) Coincidentally, around this time Kollage had brought out their square double-points which I quite fancied trying. I looked up their UK suppliers and placed an order with the one that had an online shop.
3) Got an email to say they were out of stock until the end of the month. Canceled the order and rang the one other UK supplier to place an order.
4) Waited. Waited some more. Wondered where my needles were. Waited. Phoned the company... out of stock. Canceled my order and went back to the first place - after all, it was almost the end of the month now.
5) Email from company informing me that they weren't going to receive any 4.5mm Kollage needles in that order after all and they had no idea when they would.
6) Emailed my friendly yarn shop in the US. Guess what? No 4.5mm Kollage needles.
7) Altered my Kollage needle order from 5) so that I would receive a set of 5mm needles - I still really wanted to try them and for the i-Cord the Moseys required noone would actually know the difference (plus a few people had said their knitting came out at a tighter gauge on the square needles).
8) Woop, finished Mosey, the Saga was over! Oh no, wait - I'd like to knit Verity. Some 4.5mm double-points you say?
9) Borrowed some 4.5mm needles for Verity.
10) Misplaced the needles so I couldn't pack the project for my travels as planned.
11) Knitted a few other bits and bobs before remembering my Verity plans just in time for a day with five hours train travel in it.
12) Left the 4.5mm needles on the dining room table. Remembered the yarn and pattern though.
13) Was gifted a 4.5mm circular needle by Gwenda at her Handspun spinning workshop. Cast on during the train home.
14) Started Section B of Verity. My nice new circular needle broke :(
15) Dug out the borrowed double-points which I had put in a pile to go back to work. The world is right again :)