Thursday, 27 March 2014

Out and About in Budapest

One of the nice things about my work (when I'm appreciating it at least) is the fairly frequent opportunities to travel. Outside of work I tend to take few holidays and to use them for projects in the house or to volunteer -- I rarely go away.

This week I'm at a conference in Budapest and today my supervisor figured it would be a good idea for me to go out sightseeing... here's how my day went.

First a gentle start just a short walk from the hotel. I read a couple of pages of book in the park and then try (and fail) to find my first geocache. I spot some interesting but seemingly decorative only(?) bells and the first of many of these curious ladybirds. I haven't yet found the right search terms to identify the ladybird so would be happy if someone could enlighten me. I then head to the metro station to head into the city proper but get distracted by my first Hungarian geocache find in a small green space with the flowers and a collection of saints.

Just a short walk away and still not on the metro, geocaching led me to these interesting people who would not be out of place back home (except perhaps for one set of summery footwear).

Then onto the metro and a few caches before heading up many steps towards the Castle District. Once you've climbed so high it's easy to admire the views... (top left: lemon sorbet -- I ate it; top right: chain bridge - I crossed it; bottom right: Castle Hill Funicular -- closed for maintenance).

I spent around three and a half hours in the Castle District, admiring the locals.... (top left and bottom right: Matthias Fountain; bottom centre: statue of the horseherd).

Visiting key attractions: most of these are Matthias Church I think, but in the middle is the middle of Budapest (0KM Stone) and at the bottom right is Maria Magdalena Tower.

There seemed to be lots of shape and colour. If I had to pick a favourite it would be the door on the bottom right with the little door set into a garage door. I spent quite a bit of time staring at little doors here and there.

So there we go! I finished up with a shorter trip into the main shopping area and then headed back to the hotel just in time to go out for dinner!

Collages created with I think it works pretty well :)

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Books I Read in February

How Bad are Bananas -- Mike Berners-Lee
Alys, Always -- Harriet Lane
The Rose Petal Beach -- Dorothy Koomson

This month started with an unplanned library visit.


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