Last Wednesday I was planning to take a trip to Barrow-in-Furness. By train this is usually a pretty quick journey, but right now they're doing some work on the viaduct from Arnside to Grange-over-Sands and the replacement coach services put on are taking rather longer than the train might usually do - I therefore *needed* to take a knitting project.
Current projects include two garments (one to be frogged and one to be blocked) neither of which require any knitting at present; a pair of socks which need trying on so I know whether to get going on the heel; and a home project I refuse to show anyone so as to ensure noone will know if it suddenly suffers a fate similar to some of the other projects I've attempted recently. For this reason, a new knitting project was clearly in order.
Unfortunately, time running away as it does (and preparation not being my strong point), what I actually took to the station was this:

Plus a set of 3mm needle tips with a couple of short looking cables, exactly zero stitch markers and two crochet hooks. I did remember to print out the pattern:
At the end of the day, what did I have exactly?
Um... half a centre-pull ball and a skein just beginning to show signs of tangling. This, it seems, was an omen.
I've just ripped back my Olatz - it just wasn't meant to be. I have a suspicion that the pattern is gorgeous but it is masked completely by this yarn:

Oh well. Time to begin again, I think I'll try something with less-subtle 'lace' patterning, most likely
Lavalette as I've seen a version of this in one of the Flamboyance Yarns and it worked out beautifully.