Thursday, 25 February 2010
Lions and.... Oh My! That's super cute!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Geocaching Extremes
- Most Northerly find - Newcastle: The Bigg Market (GCW1GY), Tyne and Wear, UK
- Most Easterly find - TM, UTM, or What? (GCVZFK), Saarland, Germany
- Most Southerly find - Maryland Municipal League Geotrail - Annapolis (GC1J67X), Maryland, USA
- Most Westerly find - Bookworm #2 (GC1E7F3), Pennsylvania, USA
I think this is quite cool!
(Interestingly, these caches each have some sort of other memorable significance. Newcastle: The Bigg Market was a very clever hide which inspired the location for my cache University Challenge: Lancaster; TM, UTM, or What? was a puzzle that almost got away, despite being within my computing knowledge; Maryland Municipal League Geotrail - Annapolis was a foolish endeavor that took many times longer than anticipated and involved wading through snow/ice; and Bookworm #2 was way too tall for this Saffy to reach [until she found a stack of crates outside a near by drug store].)
Monday, 22 February 2010
Nights Away

Some observations...
- Busyness really does clump together. Compare camping in 2008 to 2009 (20 nights vs. 5 nights total), in particular summer 2008 which involved four separate camps - remember also these are just Guiding commitments, there were many other nights away from home that weren't Guiding related.
- I do many more one and two night residentials than I would have acknowledged, this actually accounts for most of my nights away.
- I don't do most of my nights away from home at Silverdale and Forton - if I'd been asked prior to this I'd have told you I did almost all our nights away at these two sites.
- I need to stay at home more!
And now it's bedtime. Here in Maryland (oh look, I'm away from home again) it's gone 10:30pm - definately time for this jet-lagged English girl to get some sleep!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Slow and Steady
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Monday, 8 February 2010
Reaching a Landmark
An insignificant landmark perhaps, but as of this evening I have knitted one of the two skeins of Kraemer Silk and Silver I'm using for the Lace Ribbon Scarf. I started this scarf back in May (the first thing I bought at Natural Stitches) and can now claim to be at least 50% of the way through. Hurrah!

Sunday, 7 February 2010
Getting Organised
And three random unwanted, unused things that have hung around the house for two long (a KVM, a cat flap and a little mechanics project):
Saturday, 6 February 2010
FO: It Snows Scarf #2
Finally something else finished! Although I did start this sometime after saying I was going to finish everything I've got on the go first, but it's for a good cause :)
Pattern: Clapotis by Kate Gilbert
Yarn: Stylecraft Special Chunky in colour 1001 - White.
Mods: Just size - it's narrower than the pattern calls for.
Project: online on Ravelry.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Friday Fill-In
1. I know where I’m going, and I know who’s going with me; I know who I love but the Dear Lord knows who I’ll marry.